Character Select Mockup

A character select / bio mockup I did for practice.
This all was done in Unity from scratch using C#.


A - Right
D - Right
Space - Select character
E - Exit selection
Tab  - Toggle FTUE graphic explaining controls

Easter Eggs / Fourth wall breaks:

Merlow attacks the UI

When selecting Merlow he will kick the UI offscreen after a certain amount of time and jump at you until you deselect him. I thought it was fitting to add for a crazy robot character that refuses to be caged.

Quote Jumpscare

Quote is a massive attention seeker, so if you constantly select other characters instead of him he will become jealous and prank you. Before this happens he will try and catch your attention in the background of other character's select screens.

Quote is a character I use a lot in my YouTube videos and has gained a reputation for causing unnecessary trouble and breaking the fourth wall, so I felt I had to do something here as a nod to that.